Ancient Greece

  1. 2. At first, the ___ was the only Olympic event.
  2. 9. Baron de Coubertin came in from _____.
  3. 11. The first games of the modern Olympics were held in ____ Greece.
  4. 12. The ancient greeks built ___ to honor their gods.
  5. 13. In 2000, many people will see the Olympics on ___.
  6. 14. The Greeks held their Olympics every four years, even when they were at ____.
  7. 15. Baron de Coubertin hoped the Olympics would help countries get _____.
  8. 16. Today athletes from ___ nations compete in the Olympics.
  9. 17. The ancient Olympics were held to honor ______.
  10. 18. many Olympic events are held in ____.
  1. 1. The ancient Olympics ended when Greece was conquered by __.
  2. 3. At the first modern Olympics, the athletes came from ___ different countries.
  3. 4. Olympic athletes were once crowned with _____ branches.
  4. 5. Only ___ could compete in the ancient Olympics.
  5. 6. The Olympics started in ancient ______.
  6. 7. Long ago, Olympic champions often had __ written about them.
  7. 8. The Olympics have always been a symbol of ____.
  8. 10. the 2000 Olympic Games will be held in ____.
  9. 16. The ancient greeks thought the gods lived on a ______.