Ancient Greece

  1. 1. The Parthenon is a temple of the Athenian Acropolis dedicated to the goddess Athena.
  2. 4. A system of government run by elected representatives.
  3. 5. A skilled public speaker.
  4. 7. A person that questions the aspects of life.
  5. 8. He was a Greek philosopher who believed freedom for all people, to not be controlled by a government. He was sentenced to death because the people of Athens thought he was corrupting the minds of the youth.
  6. 9. A form of government run by a king or queen.
  7. 13. Pericles was a Greek general of Athens in the Golden Age.
  8. 15. A city-state part of Greece. They were the most fierce and feared city-state of all of Greece.
  1. 2. A fort built on a hill to use as protection from invaders or war.
  2. 3. A place of safety to keep something or someone from danger.
  3. 6. A primary product that can be bought and sold.
  4. 10. The capital city state of Greece. Great minds and philosophers developed in Athens because of their great education.
  5. 11. A local person that inhabits a city or town.
  6. 12. A piece of land surrounded by water on three sides.
  7. 14. To come together.