Ancient Greece and Persia

  1. 4. A childrens story meant to teach a lesson
  2. 6. King of Macedonia who conquered Greece, Egypt, and Persia.
  3. 10. Conflict between Athens and Sparta, which eventually lead to their collapse.
  4. 13. This style of column features simple, heavy columns with out bases
  5. 15. A long piece of poetry usually about heroes and monsters
  6. 17. The first massive empire in history
  7. 19. Two manor Persian invasions of Greece in which the Persians were defeated on both land and sea
  8. 21. An aggressive war like people who destroyed Troy
  9. 24. King of Persia who expanded the empireand invaded Greece but was defeated at the Battle of Marathon
  10. 25. Founder of the Persian Empire
  11. 27. One of the seven wonders of the ancient world,it was the largest statue in ancient times
  12. 28. A wealthy civilization on the island of Crete who inspired later Greek societies
  13. 29. A greek play when the hero dies usually due to their own pride
  1. 1. Two epic poems written describing parts of the Trojan War
  2. 2. The first and last letter of the Greek alphabet
  3. 3. A greek Philosopher, taught Alexander the Great,started a famous school, studied with Plato
  4. 5. Athenian leader noted for ordering the construction of the parthenon
  5. 7. A temple dedicated to the goddess Athena
  6. 8. This style of column has elongated capitals that are decorated with leaves.
  7. 9. A greek pay based upon everyday life that usually made fun of Greek celebrities and politicians
  8. 11. A greek slave who wrote fables
  9. 12. A war like people who migrated into mainland Greece after the destruction of the Mycenaean civilization
  10. 14. An order of Greek architecture that features columns with scrolled capitals
  11. 16. One of the seven wonders of the ancient world it light up the harbors of ancient alexandria
  12. 17. Socrates most well known pupil. Founded an academy in Athens
  13. 18. A city destroyed by the Mycenaean people
  14. 20. A Greek poet, author of the Iliad and the Odyssey
  15. 22. A democratic Greek city-state who accomplished many cultural achievements, and who were constantly at war
  16. 23. A powerful Greek city-state that was often at war with Athens
  17. 26. Of or relating to Greek history culture or art after Alexander the great