Ancient Greece Crossword

  1. 1. The one who killed the Minotaur.
  2. 5. The goddess of many kinds. Married Zeus.
  3. 6. A place to train people for Olympics.
  4. 7. The capital of Greece
  5. 8. A type of sport in the Olympics.
  6. 10. This is an ancient sun - powered clock.
  7. 14. The King of Gods.
  8. 15. The goddess of victory and spirit.
  9. 16. People did this in honour of Zeus.
  1. 2. This word means "Knowledge".
  2. 3. A brutal game unlike anything else.
  3. 4. This is called as the "Undividable".
  4. 9. A place where people worship Athena.
  5. 11. A sport of distance with items.
  6. 12. Archimedes invented this.
  7. 13. A place in Greece.
  8. 17. A mountain in Greece.