Ancient Greece - Drama and Entertainment

  1. 2. A state of mind
  2. 5. Where plays take place
  3. 8. Enjoyable
  4. 10. You conseal your face with this
  5. 11. A short story
  6. 13. House of God
  7. 15. Group of singers
  8. 16. Headgear
  9. 17. Emotion
  10. 18. Waltz
  11. 20. Items used in plays
  1. 1. Lift up your voice
  2. 2. A celebration
  3. 3. What all performers in greek plays were
  4. 4. Individual in a play
  5. 6. Ancient story
  6. 7. Acting
  7. 8. Communication
  8. 9. A disaster
  9. 12. What greek masks were made of
  10. 14. Greek musical instrument
  11. 15. Funny entertainment
  12. 19. Cluster of people
  13. 20. A musical
  14. 21. A sharp weapon