Ancient Greek Mathematics

  1. 2. a line can be drawn between any two ____
  2. 4. ____ heavily relied on mathematics
  3. 7. Pythagoras theorem
  4. 8. are the theorems used thousands years ago still used today?
  5. 10. the most important axiom
  6. 12. (4th axiom)all right angles are ____
  7. 13. key figure in ancient Greek mathematics
  8. 15. base ___ system
  9. 16. When was the Greek numberal system developed
  10. 17. axiom in greek means ____
  1. 1. majority of greek maths was related to _____
  2. 3. studied maths to reveal knowledge by _____
  3. 5. book that Euclid wrote
  4. 6. ____ means measuring
  5. 9. Pythagoras was also a ____
  6. 11. longest side of a triangle
  7. 14. ____ means earth
  8. 15. straight angle has _____