Ancient Greek Theater

  1. 1. The greeks used _______ to show scenery for the plays.
  2. 4. The belief in more than one god.
  3. 8. Buildings dedicated to worshiping the gods.
  4. 10. The part of the theater where the actors performed.
  5. 12. A play that had a happy ending
  6. 13. Boys went at the age of 7; girls did not go.
  7. 14. Greek clothing; it was long and loose due to hot weather.
  8. 15. The mountain where the Greeks believed the gods lived; it is a real place in Greece.
  9. 16. Used as a dressing room
  10. 17. A play used to poke fun at real life and sway public opinion
  11. 19. Greek theaters were carved into the _____.
  1. 1. Told stories of daily life, heroes, or gods.
  2. 2. Actors wore these to play different characters.
  3. 3. Stories told by the Greeks to explain the world around them.
  4. 5. The part of the theater where the audience sat; it means "seeing place".
  5. 6. Greek homes were built around a ______.
  6. 7. a strong man that is usually favored by the gods and defeats monsters.
  7. 9. The person who writes the play.
  8. 11. Theater started as part of a religious ______, worshiping the god Dionysus
  9. 12. The story was narrated by the ______; they were considered one character.
  10. 18. A play that had a sad ending