- 3. There are ??? Noble Truths in Buddhism
- 5. A person's religious or social duties
- 7. Nation where Hinduism originated
- 8. Holy animal in Hinduism
- 9. One of the main rivers in India
- 10. The holiest river in India for Hindus
- 15. Indian Empire known for its scientific achievement
- 16. Indian Emperor who helped spread Buddhism
- 17. Actions that one does in life
- 18. The name for Emperor Ashoka's Empire
- 19. According to Buddhists, this is the root of all suffering
- 1. Founder of Buddhism
- 2. The ultimate goal of Buddhism
- 4. The holy scripture of Hinduism
- 6. The belief that you are reborn into a new body after death
- 8. Hindus believe in a rigid ??? System
- 11. Language of the Indo-Aryans
- 12. Major mountain range protecting India's north
- 13. Buddhists follow the ???Foldpath
- 14. The Buddha was a prince in ??? before giving up his riches