- 1. This is the destroyer of the aspect of Brahman
- 4. This is another version of a guide
- 11. Indians believed that if you did something bad the bad spirits gave you bad luck
- 12. This is a religion based on the Buddha
- 13. Were farmers ,craftspeople,and traders
- 15. India is a huge______so large that its called a subcontinent
- 16. This is seasonal wind patterns caused by dry winds
- 17. Today the most widely spoken language
- 18. This is the avoidance of violent actions
- 20. This system is when they divided the Indian society into groups
- 23. This is based in the teachings of a man named Mahavira
- 24. These are The four main social divisions or ________
- 2. Was the preserver of Brahman
- 3. India's priests
- 5. Next to the city was a large forrtress in Mohenjo Daro
- 6. The houses of Mohenjo Daro had what type of roofs
- 7. The Aryan were very complex
- 8. This is going without food
- 9. A large landmass that is smaller than a continent
- 10. The most important language in ancient india
- 11. Were rulers and warriors
- 14. This is the focusing of your mind
- 19. This is a state of perfect peace
- 21. Were workers and servants
- 22. The god brahma is creator of_________