- 3. good or bad actions on a person's soul
- 6. OCEAN in the summer monsoon winds blow here
- 8. HUNDREDs BC- Harappan civilization ended in this year
- 11. seasonal wind patterns that cause wet and dry seasons
- 13. a large land mass that is smaller than a continent
- 14. Gautama the restless young man was
- 18. the largest religion in India today
- 19. a state of perfect peace
- 21. the most important language of ancient India
- 22. the avoidance of violent actions
- 23. workers and servants
- 24. invaders from Central Asia
- 1. Chavez This man organized a campaign of nonviolence to protest the treatment of farm workers in California
- 2. Luther King Jr. This man adopted Gandhi's nonviolent methods in his struggle to win civil rights for African Americans
- 4. farmers, craftspeople, and traders
- 5. the first Aryans did not read or ________
- 7. the process of rebirth
- 9. rulers and warriors
- 10. people who work to spread religious belief
- 11. Gandhi This man led a long violent struggle against British rule in India
- 12. focusing of the mind on spiritual ideas
- 15. the going without food
- 16. India's priests
- 17. a religion based on teachings of Buddha
- 20. the tallest mountains in the world