- 1. II Persian king who established the persian empire
- 3. A preist who held the highest position in ayran society
- 4. Ghats Rolling mountains east of the deccan platue in southern India
- 8. A religon founded by the persian prophet Zoraster
- 12. River Valley The land surrounding the indus river in pakistan
- 13. Books of Knowledge That contain much of the the stories and songs of the aryans
- 14. Plain A reigon in India through which the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers flow
- 17. The worship of only god
- 20. I persian king who expanded the persian empire to include india
- 21. The main language of the aryans
- 22. Another group of people that migrated to the Indus River Valley
- 1. Mauryan Soilder who started the Mauryn Empire
- 2. A serf in hindu society
- 5. The site of one of the earliest civilizations in south asia
- 6. Ghats Rolling mountains west of the deccan platue in southern India
- 7. The first five books of the hebrew bible
- 9. A large area of land that is seperated from other countries by water and land
- 10. An acient city in the Indus River Valley in Pakistan
- 11. The monotheistic religon founded by abraham
- 15. Plateau A dry, high riegon south of the indo- ganges plain
- 16. farming The process of growing food mainly for self-consumption
- 18. Everest The highest peak in the himalayas And the tallest mountain on earth
- 19. season Rainy season in monsoon climates