Ancient Indian things

  1. 1. wow A celebration of something.
  2. 2. The area around the Cascade Mts.
  3. 3. People who survive by hunting and gathering wild animals and plants
  4. 6. A group of people that share the same beliefs, behaviors, patterns, and values.
  5. 7. Art natives painted.
  6. 10. jargon The simplified trade language of the Choonikian people.
  7. 12. A way for the native people to show their wealth.
  8. 14. The body of water that the Salish people lived around
  9. 16. The language the people of the Plateau spoke.
  10. 17. The people who lived around the Salish Sea.
  11. 18. Indians Native Americans who live east of the Cascade Mtns.
  12. 19. The Ice Age Lake formed by an Ice Dam on the Clark Fork River in Montana
  13. 20. The land that connected North America and Asia during the ice age.
  14. 21. A time period when glaciers covered much of the earth.
  15. 22. A person who was believed to have been able to communicate with the spirits of nature.
  1. 1. Ancient Native Americans
  2. 4. A large sheet of Ice that stays around pretty much permanently.
  3. 5. Columbian The people who lived along the lower Columbia river.
  4. 8. Rock Carvings.
  5. 9. A family of ancient languages.
  6. 11. Something children/ descendants get from their parents.
  7. 13. Giant animals from Ice Age
  8. 15. Native Americans who live west of the Cascade Mtns.