Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt

  1. 3. Mesopotamian temples dedicated to a city's main God
  2. 5. rank in society determined by your job
  3. 6. belief in many Gods
  4. 9. reed that Egyptians used to make paper and other products
  5. 15. tombs for Pharaoh and show Egyptians skills in architecture
  6. 17. Pharaoh who used trade to help make Egypt wealthy
  7. 18. main God of Ancient Egypt represents the Sun
  8. 19. Hammurabi's Code supported higher classes
  9. 20. bringing water to dry land or crops by digging channels
  10. 21. Pharaoh who united Egypt and established its first dynasty
  11. 23. Ancient leaders had absolute _________ because it was believed to come from the Gods
  1. 1. farming
  2. 2. having more food than needed
  3. 4. technology that made farming easier
  4. 7. embalming or preserving dead bodies for the afterlife
  5. 8. fertile land near Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
  6. 10. ruling family
  7. 11. Ancient writers that mainly kept records for the government
  8. 12. belief in one God
  9. 13. focusing one job or occupation
  10. 14. river in Ancient Egypt that was important as a transportation route and fertile soil when flood
  11. 16. land that is good for farming
  12. 22. means wedge-shaped writing of Mesopotamians used to keep records