- 3. Where the indian were moved
- 4. Andrew Jackson lat name
- 8. Jackson's 1st vice president
- 9. Country That Andrew Jackson Was President in
- 10. Where The slaves were before the Indian removal act
- 11. The rank andrew jackson got in the army
- 13. Who Andrew Jackson Ran against for president
- 15. The act Jackson signed to get rid of the Indians
- 17. Unpaid Workers
- 20. Thousands died on this trail
- 1. Andrew jacksons enemy
- 2. How Old Was Andrew Jackson When He joined the military
- 5. Political party giving public office to its supporters
- 6. Jacksons 2nd vice president
- 7. Where Andrew Jackson was born
- 12. South Carolina Nullified a Federal Tariff That Favored Northern Manufacturing
- 14. Jacksons first name
- 16. 7th President
- 18. THe war andrew jackson got the nickname old hickory
- 19. Andrew Jackson's nickname