Angiosperm reproduction

  1. 4. bee food
  2. 6. builds path to egg
  3. 7. holds anther
  4. 10. male part of flower
  5. 11. female flower part
  6. 14. teenie tiny plant
  7. 15. home of pollen
  8. 16. bee, mammal, moth eg.
  9. 17. modified petal
  10. 18. turns into fruit
  1. 1. special angiosperm trait
  2. 2. on the way to the ovary
  3. 3. turns into seed
  4. 5. nutrition for embryo
  5. 8. future nutrition
  6. 9. bee fur and colorful petals
  7. 12. pollen landing site
  8. 13. cactus, oaktree, tulip eg.