Anglo-Saxon History

  1. 4. 1066 Battle of Hastings, ending the Anglo-Saxon Period
  2. 7. Religion where we get our days of the week
  3. 8. Slave
  4. 10. like a pub/eating and celebration
  5. 11. Restitution payment for crimes
  6. 12. Town meeting where issues were publicly discussed
  7. 14. Epic Poem passed down through oral tradition
  8. 16. Language Anglo-Saxons spoke, archaic form of English
  9. 17. Storyteller who recited poetry and stories for entertainment
  10. 18. the mother of our modern english alphabet
  1. 1. St. Patrick and St, George (dragon)
  2. 2. Thursday/thunder/sky
  3. 3. Angles, Saxons, Jutes
  4. 5. Afterlife
  5. 6. Appointed by the king
  6. 9. fermented honey and grain wine/beer
  7. 12. Structure of Anglo-saxon society
  8. 13. Druid place of worship and sacrifice
  9. 15. archaic form of English/Anglo-saxon language