Anglo Saxons

  1. 7. King of the Danes
  2. 9. literary device
  3. 10. Pagans that lived in England in the middle ages
  4. 11. religion of the Saxons
  5. 14. type of tradition in which stories were told
  6. 15. Beowulf kills grendel with his ....
  7. 16. A two word metaphor separated with a hyphen
  8. 17. A long poem passed through oral tradition
  9. 19. Saxon warriors were loyal to this person
  1. 1. hero of the Geats
  2. 2. A feasting hall
  3. 3. best drink of the time
  4. 4. Monster that killed beowulf
  5. 5. Right hand man to Beowulf
  6. 6. Where the Saxons lived
  7. 8. beowulf was the hero of these people
  8. 12. Type of English in Beowulf
  9. 13. monster in Beowulf
  10. 18. grendel is the descendant of this person