Anglų kalba

  1. 4. something that is able to read minds
  2. 5. something as thin as paper
  3. 10. something that takes/consumes a lot of time
  4. 11. having blue eyes
  5. 14. fried in hot oil
  6. 15. a music term when music is slow
  7. 16. something taking two months
  1. 1. something that shows what is happening now, live
  2. 2. having a big heart, loving
  3. 3. an actor from Breaking Bad
  4. 6. having green eyes
  5. 7. a look that tells you to run
  6. 8. something that saves time
  7. 9. something that is really interesting or awesome
  8. 12. someone that is behaving well
  9. 13. having a big head