Angry Men

  1. 3. pointed out the woman had glasses
  2. 5. Being in accordance with the usual requirements, customs, etc.; conventional: to pay one's formal respects.
  3. 7. juror that lived in the slums
  4. 8. juror who was the last to say not guilty
  5. 9. the juror who first believed the boy was not guilty
  6. 10. A reckless attack with intent to injure seriously (as with a deadly weapon)
  7. 12. the murder weapon
  8. 14. juror that yelled about people living in the slums
  9. 16. A person, as a complainant or chief witness, instigating prosecution in a criminal proceeding.
  10. 17. the juror with the cough drops
  11. 19. The usual writ for the summoning of witnesses or the submission of evidence, as records or documents, before a court or other deliberative body.
  12. 21. how was the man killed
  13. 22. the crime that was committed
  1. 1. A formal accusation initiating a criminal case, presented by a grand jury and usually required for felonies and other serious crimes.
  2. 2. A court order banning reporters, attorneys, and other parties involved in a case before a court of law from reporting on or publicly disclosing anything relating to the case.
  3. 4. A person in charge of a particular department, group of workers, etc., as in a factory or the like.
  4. 6. the rights that a cop reads to a guy when they are arrested.
  5. 11. who killed the man
  6. 12. An authoritative command, message, or signal by which one is summoned.
  7. 13. juror that doodled
  8. 15. the witness looked through this and saw the murder
  9. 18. juror with tickets
  10. 20. Cause A reasonable ground for a belief, as, in a criminal case, that the accused was guilty of the crime, or, in a civil case, that grounds for the action existed: used especially as a defense to an action for malicious prosecution.