
  1. 2. big mouth river
  2. 3. black and white horse
  3. 5. black stripes, cat
  4. 8. climb up the tree loves banana
  5. 9. long neck black and yellow
  6. 12. pocket, Australia, jump and hop
  7. 13. long no hands no legs
  8. 14. slow, shell
  9. 15. fly, wings
  10. 17. Black and white bear
  11. 18. insect, small,
  1. 1. green, swim river
  2. 4. the king of the jungle
  3. 6. long nose
  4. 7. big brown scary salmon
  5. 9. big monkey
  6. 10. swim, ocean, river, pond, lake, tank
  7. 11. long ears, hop
  8. 16. pet, golden retriever, pug, chihuahua