
  1. 3. Who gets chased away from animal farm
  2. 6. What revelution is animal farm based around
  3. 7. Who runs away from animal farm
  4. 11. What do the other animals represent
  5. 13. Who is the oldest animal on the farm
  6. 14. Who first dreamt about the rebellion
  1. 1. Who loves ribbons and sugar lumps
  2. 2. What do the pigs represent
  3. 4. What did snowball want to build
  4. 5. When was animal farm published
  5. 8. Who always talked about sugary cand Mt
  6. 9. What color is the animal farm flag
  7. 10. What happend when Mr Jones tried to take back the farm
  8. 12. Who chased snowball away with 9 dogs