
  1. 3. eat meat, black yellow strip
  2. 6. loves sugar
  3. 9. king of the jungle
  4. 10. rat in home
  5. 13. slow move and have shell
  6. 15. fly, small, bite when we sleep
  7. 17. fly with beautiful wing
  8. 19. mouse face but fly in the night
  9. 20. eat grass, black white strips
  1. 1. like to catch mice
  2. 2. has trunk
  3. 4. sting when it in danger
  4. 5. lives in the water
  5. 7. break the wood in our house
  6. 8. hate cat
  7. 11. long, danger, poisonous
  8. 12. live in the river have a wide, strong teeth
  9. 14. live on land swim in the water
  10. 16. fly, see in the dark, nocturnal
  11. 18. jumps when it move
  12. 19. can fly