
  1. 3. Living in the water, this animal is known for its elegant jumps and high intellectual learning ability.
  2. 5. This creature has a long tail and swings through trees with great agility. They are known to be intelligent and curious.
  3. 7. A giant aquatic mammal that can hold its breath for a long time and communicate using unique sounds.
  4. 8. A slow-moving tree-dweller with long curved claws, known for its leisurely lifestyle and hanging upside down.
  5. 10. This striped equine has unique patterns that look like a mirrored reflection, making them charming.
  6. 11. A flightless bird dressed in black and white clothing, known for its waddling walk and swimming abilities.
  7. 12. A powerful tracker that lives primarily in forests. It has a pattern of stripes and spots giving it a striking appearance.
  8. 14. With a round face and dark patches, this cute animal is known for eating bamboo while sitting.
  9. 15. A small, agile mammal with a bushy tail, known for its cunning and ability to adapt to various environments.
  1. 1. An underwater creature with eight long limbs. Known for their intelligence, they can change color to blend with their surroundings.
  2. 2. A unique animal with a pouch and can hop on its hind legs. Its babies stay in the pouch with their parent.
  3. 4. A nocturnal bird with large eyes, known for its ability to hunt prey silently and its wisdom.
  4. 6. This giant creature has huge ears and lives in grasslands. It cannot run due to its weight and uses its long trunk to pick up food.
  5. 9. A large, furry mammal known for its strength, climbing trees, and hibernating during winter.
  6. 13. This tall creature has an incredibly long neck and legs, allowing it to eat food from high treetops.