
  1. 1. Graceful and strong animal often ridden by humans.
  2. 5. Enormous and gentle animal with a long trunk.
  3. 8. Intelligent and friendly marine mammal.
  4. 10. Striped and fierce big cat known for its hunting skills.
  5. 11. Small and fluffy creature with long ears and a fluffy tail.
  6. 14. Unique animal with a pouch for carrying its young.
  7. 17. Playful and intelligent animal that swings from trees.
  1. 2. Slithering reptile with no legs, often feared by people.
  2. 3. Majestic and powerful big cat found in the wild.
  3. 4. Woolly animal often seen on farms.
  4. 6. Cute and flightless bird that lives in cold regions.
  5. 7. Cute and loyal animal often kept as a pet.
  6. 9. Large and powerful mammal found in various habitats.
  7. 12. Feathered creature that can fly in the sky.
  8. 13. Playful and independent animal loved by many.
  9. 15. Tallest land animal with a long neck and spots.
  10. 16. Domesticated animal that provides milk and meat.