
  1. 3. A feathered creature that can fly and lays eggs
  2. 5. A small, domesticated animal known for being independent and agile
  3. 6. A black and white bear-like animal native to China
  4. 7. A swimming animal that lives in water and breathes through gills
  5. 10. A flightless bird that lives in cold regions and swims well
  6. 11. A large, gentle mammal with a long trunk and big tusks
  7. 14. A marsupial with a pouch that carries its young
  8. 15. A black and white striped animal found in Africa
  1. 1. A large reptile with a long snout and sharp teeth
  2. 2. A tall animal with a long neck and spots on its body
  3. 4. A highly intelligent marine mammal that is known for its agility
  4. 8. A furry animal often kept as a pet that barks and wags its tail
  5. 9. A powerful, carnivorous animal known as the "king of the jungle"
  6. 12. A large, striped cat with a fierce and majestic appearance
  7. 13. A playful and intelligent animal that swings from trees