
  1. 3. A playful animal that loves to climb trees and eat bananas. They're known for their ability to swing from branch to branch.
  2. 4. A large, striped cat from Asia. It's one of the strongest animals and is known for its beautiful fur.
  3. 9. An animal from Australia that hops on its hind legs and carries babies, called joeys, in a pouch.
  4. 10. Known as the king of the jungle, this big cat has a loud roar and a large mane.
  5. 11. The tallest animal in the world, it has a long neck to reach leaves on high trees.
  6. 14. A small, usually furry animal that people often keep as a pet. It purrs when it's happy.
  7. 15. A slow-moving animal with a hard shell for protection, it can live on land or in water.
  1. 1. A small, clever animal with a bushy tail and pointed ears. They're known to be very sneaky.
  2. 2. A black and white bird that can't fly, but loves to swim and slide on its belly in cold climates.
  3. 5. A horse-like animal with unique black and white stripes. Each one's pattern is different, like human fingerprints.
  4. 6. A small, soft and furry animal with long ears. It loves to hop around and eat carrots.
  5. 7. A loyal pet that loves to play fetch, they come in many different sizes and breeds.
  6. 8. A large animal with a long trunk and big ears, known to be very smart.
  7. 12. A big, furry creature that can climb trees and loves to eat honey. Some hibernate in winter.
  8. 13. The largest creature in the ocean, known for their big spouts of water and unique songs.