
  1. 3. It is a large and powerful animal that is known for its majestic appearance and distinct features.
  2. 4. This creature is massive in size and has a long trunk and large tusks. It is gentle and highly intelligent.
  3. 7. With its incredible ability to change color and shape, this intelligent sea creature is a master of camouflage.
  4. 10. It is a majestic bird of prey with keen eyesight and powerful wings, soaring high in the sky with grace and precision.
  5. 11. This flightless bird has a unique black and white coloration and moves by waddling on land and swimming in water.
  6. 12. It is a cute and cuddly animal that spends most of its time in trees, eating leaves and sleeping.
  7. 13. With its black and white stripes, this animal stands out in the grasslands and moves in herds.
  8. 14. This sleek and swift land animal has a slender body and is known for being the fastest runner in the animal kingdom.
  9. 16. This flightless bird has long legs and a long neck. It is the fastest runner among birds and lives in open areas.
  10. 18. This nocturnal bird is known for its silent flight and exceptional night vision. It has large eyes and sharp talons.
  11. 19. This playful creature loves to swing from trees, and it has a long tail that helps it balance.
  1. 1. This adorable bear is known for its black and white fur. It spends most of its time eating bamboo in the forest.
  2. 2. It is a large semi-aquatic mammal known for its massive size, barrel-shaped body, and formidable jaws.
  3. 5. It is a highly intelligent marine mammal that is playful and known for its graceful swimming in the ocean.
  4. 6. It is a colorful insect with delicate wings that go through a transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly.
  5. 8. With its striking coat of fur, this strong and agile predator is known for its fierce nature and hunting skills.
  6. 9. This flightless bird has a unique black and white coloration and moves by waddling on land and swimming in water.
  7. 12. This unique marsupial has strong hind legs and a pouch in which it carries its young. It moves by hopping.
  8. 15. It is a tall animal with a long neck and a unique spotted pattern on its body. It gracefully moves across the land.
  9. 17. It is a large reptile that lives in water and has a long snout and powerful jaws. It is a stealthy and patient hunter.