
  1. 2. Turtles are reptiles with a hard shell on their back. They move slowly and carry their home with them.
  2. 5. The tiger is a large cat with orange fur and black stripes. It is known for its strength and hunting skills.
  3. 6. Eagles are majestic birds of prey with sharp eyesight and strong wings. They soar high in the sky while hunting for food.
  4. 8. This animal is known for its long neck and has spots on its body. It eats leaves from tall trees.
  5. 9. It is a clever and playful animal that has a long tail and can swing from tree to tree.
  6. 12. Dolphins are intelligent and friendly creatures that live in the ocean. They have a sleek body and love to swim and jump.
  7. 14. Octopuses are sea creatures with soft bodies and eight long tentacles. They can change color to blend in with surroundings.
  1. 1. Crocodiles are large reptiles with a long snout and sharp teeth. They live in rivers and are excellent swimmers.
  2. 3. Butterflies are colorful insects with delicate wings. They start as caterpillars and transform into beautiful butterflies.
  3. 4. Kangaroos are unique animals from Australia. They have strong hind legs and a pouch to carry their babies.
  4. 6. This is the largest land animal. It has a long trunk and big ears.
  5. 7. It is a big and powerful animal with a majestic mane. It is known as the "King of the Jungle."
  6. 10. Koalas are cuddly animals from Australia. They have soft fur, big ears, and eat eucalyptus leaves.
  7. 11. Horses are beautiful and strong animals. They have a long mane, four legs, and can run very fast.
  8. 13. Penguins are birds that cannot fly. They have black and white feathers and live in cold places like Antarctica.