  1. 3. - large, African ape
  2. 4. - burrowing African mammal
  3. 6. - humped, desert-dwelling mammal
  4. 7. - large, long-tailed monkey
  5. 11. - large, predatory reptile with sharp teeth
  6. 13. - large, furry mammal with sharp claws and teeth
  7. 14. - small, furry mammal with sharp claws and teeth
  8. 15. - tall, African mammal with a long neck
  9. 16. - small, six-legged insect
  10. 17. - cold-blooded, aquatic animal with fins and gills
  1. 1. - small, amphibious animal with webbed feet
  2. 2. - large, African mammal with a long trunk
  3. 5. - hoofed mammal with horns
  4. 7. - small, flying insect that produces honey
  5. 8. - warm-blooded animal that has feathers and wings
  6. 9. - large, hoofed mammal that is used for riding and transportation
  7. 10. - large seabird with long, narrow wings
  8. 11. - domesticated bird that is raised for its eggs and meat
  9. 12. - domesticated mammal that is often kept as a pet
  10. 13. - insect with colorful wings