
  1. 3. It is a smart and friendly marine mammal that is known for its acrobatic jumps and clicks.
  2. 7. It is a delicate insect with colorful wings that go through a beautiful transformation from a caterpillar.
  3. 8. It is a playful and mischievous creature that loves to swing from trees and eat fruits.
  4. 9. It is a unique animal that hops on its powerful hind legs and carries its babies in a pouch.
  5. 12. It is a nocturnal bird with big eyes that can turn its head almost all the way around.
  6. 14. It is a large reptile that lives in water and has a strong jaw with sharp teeth.
  1. 1. It is a cuddly and adorable animal that eats bamboo and is native to China.
  2. 2. It is a cute and fluffy animal that spends most of its time eating eucalyptus leaves and sleeping.
  3. 4. It is a bird that cannot fly but is an excellent swimmer and lives in cold regions like Antarctica.
  4. 5. It has black and white stripes that make it easily recognizable and helps it blend in with other zebras.
  5. 6. It is a gentle giant with a long trunk that it uses to grab food and drink water.
  6. 10. It is a tall animal with a long neck that helps it reach leaves on tall trees.
  7. 11. It is a beautiful and striped animal that roams the forests and is an excellent hunter.
  8. 13. It is known as the "king of the jungle" and has a majestic appearance with a powerful presence.
  9. 15. It is a sea creature with long tentacles and a soft body that can change its color and camouflage.