  1. 1. An insect with colorful wings that undergoes metamorphosis
  2. 3. A black-and-white striped herbivore found in African grasslands
  3. 4. A loyal and friendly pet that is often called "man's best friend"
  4. 8. Description
  5. 9. A reptile with a hard shell that protects it from predators
  6. 11. An intelligent and playful primate that swings on trees
  7. 13. A flightless bird that lives in cold climates and swims well
  8. 14. A small, furry animal known for its long ears and hopping ability
  9. 15. A large mammal with hooves that is often ridden or used for work
  1. 2. A large, gentle creature with a long trunk and big ears
  2. 4. A highly intelligent marine mammal known for its playful behavior
  3. 5. A tall, long-necked animal with unique spotted patterns
  4. 6. A fierce and striped carnivorous feline found in jungles
  5. 7. A furry, domesticated animal known for its independence
  6. 10. A majestic and powerful wild cat that lives in prides
  7. 12. A marsupial known for its ability to hop and carry its young in a pouch