
  1. 2. There are small, cuddly marsupials native to Australia. They have soft fur, round faces, and eat mainly eucalyptus leaves. Koalas spend most of their time in trees.
  2. 4. There are flightless birds that live in cold climates. They have a black and white coloration and waddle when they walk. Penguins are excellent swimmers and spend a lot of time in the water.
  3. 6. There are the fastest land animals. They have a slender body, spots on their fur, and a long tail. Cheetahs use their speed to chase and catch their prey.
  4. 8. A small carnivorous mammal kept as a pet or for catching mice
  5. 9. There are reptiles with a hard shell that protects their body. They move slowly and have flippers for swimming. Turtles can retract their head and legs into their shell for protection.
  6. 11. There are intelligent sea creatures with eight arms and a soft body. They can change color and shape to blend with their surroundings. Octopuses are known for their problem-solving abilities.
  7. 13. There are large mammals with long trunks and tusks. They have big ears and are known for their intelligence and strong memory. They live in herds and are the largest land animals.
  8. 14. There are small birds known for their ability to hover in mid-air. They have colorful feathers and long beaks to reach nectar from flowers. Hummingbirds' wings beat rapidly, creating a humming sound.
  9. 16. There are large primates that live in forests. They are strong and have a muscular body. Gorillas live in groups called troops and are herbivores, mainly eating plants and fruits.
  10. 17. There are majestic big cats known for their golden mane. They are apex predators and live in groups called prides. Lions are known for their strength and loud roars.
  1. 1. There are intelligent marine mammals that are known for their playful nature. They have sleek bodies, live in groups called pods, and communicate using clicks and whistles.
  2. 3. This is a tall animal with a long neck and spots on its body. It eats leaves from tall trees and is known for being the tallest land animal. It has a calm and gentle nature.
  3. 5. There are beautiful insects with colorful wings. They undergo a transformation from caterpillars to butterflies through a process called metamorphosis. They flutter from flower to flower, helping with pollination.
  4. 7. There are marsupials that hop on their hind legs. They have powerful hind legs and a pouch in which they carry their young, called joeys. Kangaroos are native to Australia.
  5. 10. A large mammal with a heavy build, found in various habitats
  6. 12. There are flightless birds that live in cold climates. They have a black and white coloration and waddle when they walk. Penguins are excellent swimmers and spend a lot of time in the water.
  7. 15. A domesticated mammal known for its loyalty and companionship