
  1. 2. A domesticated mammal often referred to as "man's best friend." It is known for its loyalty and companionship.
  2. 3. A large, furry mammal that lives in various habitats. It can be brown, black, or white, depending on the species.
  3. 6. A small, domesticated mammal with soft fur and retractable claws. It is often kept as a pet.
  4. 9. A large, carnivorous cat known for its orange coat with black stripes. It is a powerful predator.
  5. 10. A tall mammal with a long neck and distinctive coat patterns. It is the tallest land animal.
  6. 11. A large, herbivorous mammal with a long trunk and tusks. It is known for its intelligence and size.
  7. 12. A marine mammal known for its intelligence and playful behavior. It is often seen swimming and leaping in the ocean.
  1. 1. A large, hoofed mammal often domesticated for riding and other work. It is known for its speed and strength.
  2. 3. An insect with colorful wings that undergoes a transformation from a caterpillar to a flying adult.
  3. 4. A primate that is known for its ability to swing from trees and its playful nature. It often has a long tail.
  4. 5. A long, legless reptile that slithers on the ground. It is known for its ability to swallow prey whole.
  5. 7. A flightless bird that lives in cold regions, such as Antarctica. It has black and white feathers and waddles when it walks.
  6. 8. A large, wild cat known for its majestic appearance and a loud roar. It is often called the "king of the jungle."