
  1. 5. This majestic creature is known for its golden mane and powerful presence in the animal kingdom. It is often called the "king of the jungle."
  2. 8. This unique animal is recognized by its long neck and spots on its body. It gracefully walks across the grasslands, reaching tall trees to feed on leaves.
  3. 9. This intelligent primate resides in the forests and is known for its strength and gentle nature. It lives in close-knit family groups called troops.
  4. 11. This gentle giant is the largest land animal. It has a long trunk, large ears, and tusks. It is highly intelligent and lives in close-knit family groups.
  5. 12. This cunning and adaptable creature has a bushy tail and comes in various colors. It is known for its intelligence and sly nature.
  6. 14. This social predator is known for its howling and hunting skills. It lives in packs and has a strong sense of loyalty to its family members.
  7. 15. This graceful herbivore can be found in forests and meadows. It has slender legs and antlers (in males) used for defense and display.
  1. 1. This marsupial hops on its powerful hind legs and carries its young in a pouch. It is mainly found in Australia and is known for its exceptional jumping abilities.
  2. 2. This animal has a distinctive black and white striped coat. It roams the grasslands in herds, using its stripes as camouflage against predators.
  3. 3. This sleek and fast runner is the fastest land animal. It has a slender body, spotted fur, and sharp claws. It uses its speed to chase down its prey.
  4. 4. This powerful predator has a striking orange coat with black stripes. It is known for its strength, stealth, and agility in the wild.
  5. 6. This swift and agile animal resembles a rabbit but with longer legs. It is known for its quick bursts of speed and large hind feet.
  6. 7. This stealthy and spotted cat is a skilled climber and ambush predator. It has a beautiful coat with rosette-shaped spots and is known for its agility.
  7. 10. This massive herbivore has a tough, armored body and a horn on its nose. It can weigh several tons and is one of the largest land mammals.
  8. 13. This large and strong animal lives in various habitats, including forests and mountains. It has thick fur and is known for its love of honey.