
  1. 3. A loyal and friendly animal with four legs and a wagging tail, often kept as a pet or used for various jobs.
  2. 4. A hopping animal with strong hind legs and a pouch to carry its babies.
  3. 6. A smart and friendly sea creature that swims in groups and communicates with clicks and whistles.
  4. 8. A colorful insect with delicate wings that flutter and feed on flowers.
  5. 11. A big, strong, and majestic animal known as the "king of the jungle" with a thick mane around its neck.
  6. 12. A long, slithery reptile without legs that can be venomous and can move silently.
  7. 13. A tall animal with a long neck, long legs, and spots on its body.
  8. 14. A creature with feathers, wings, and a beak that can fly and build nests.
  9. 15. A large, furry mammal that walks on four legs and often lives in forests or mountains.
  10. 16. A small, furry animal with four legs and a long tail that people often keep as pets.
  1. 1. A reptile with a long snout, sharp teeth, and a tough skin that lives in water and on land.
  2. 2. A playful and intelligent animal that likes to swing from trees and has a long tail.
  3. 5. A powerful, striped animal that belongs to the cat family and is known for its hunting skills.
  4. 7. A flightless bird that lives in cold regions, has black and white feathers, and walks with a funny waddle.
  5. 9. A giant animal with a long trunk, large ears, and long, curved tusks.
  6. 10. A small, fluffy animal with long ears that hops and is often kept as a pet.