
  1. 2. Small, furry animals that love to hop and are good at digging burrows.
  2. 4. Reptiles with hard shells that protect them. They move slowly and can retract their heads inside the shell.
  3. 5. Large and powerful cats with beautiful stripes. They are excellent hunters and have sharp teeth and claws.
  4. 10. Tall animals with long necks and spots on their bodies. They eat leaves from tall trees and can spot danger from far away.
  5. 11. Large animals with a long trunk that they can use to pick up things and spray water on themselves.
  6. 14. Big cats with a majestic mane. They are known as the "king of the jungle" and live in groups called prides.
  7. 15. Tall animals with long necks. They eat leaves from trees and have unique patterns on their fur.
  1. 1. Fascinating sea creatures with soft bodies and long tentacles. They can change color to blend in with their surroundings.
  2. 3. Intelligent marine creatures that swim fast and like to jump out of the water.
  3. 6. Gentle giants with a long trunk and large ears. They use their trunk to eat, drink, and communicate with others.
  4. 7. Friendly animals that can be trained to do tricks and love to play with their owners.
  5. 8. Independent pets that like to explore and cuddle up for naps.
  6. 9. Striped animals that live in grasslands. Their stripes help them camouflage and confuse predators. They live in groups called herds.
  7. 12. Flightless birds that live in cold places like Antarctica. They waddle on land and swim gracefully in water.
  8. 13. Playful animals that live in trees and swing from branch to branch. They like to eat fruits and nuts.