
  1. 6. The giraffe's long neck and legs help it reach leaves at the top of trees. It's a herbivore and has a unique spotted pattern on its body.
  2. 8. Cheetahs are the fastest land animals, capable of reaching speeds of up to 60 miles per hour. They have distinct spots on their coats and use their speed to catch prey.
  3. 9. Dolphins are playful marine mammals known for their acrobatic jumps and clicks, which they use for communication. They're social creatures that live in groups called pods.
  4. 11. Known as the "king of the jungle," lions live in groups called prides. Male lions have a distinctive mane, and they work together to hunt and protect their territory.
  5. 12. Penguins are birds that can't fly but are excellent swimmers. They have a distinct waddle and are often seen sliding on their bellies across icy surfaces.
  6. 13. Kangaroos are marsupials from Australia known for their powerful hind legs and distinctive hopping movement. They carry their babies in a pouch on their belly.
  7. 14. These cuddly creatures are marsupials that live in eucalyptus trees. They have a pouch where they carry their babies and mainly eat eucalyptus leaves.
  1. 1. Pandas are black and white bears native to China. They primarily eat bamboo and are known for their gentle and slow-moving nature.
  2. 2. These flightless birds are expert swimmers and divers. Penguins have a sleek body that helps them glide through the water, and they live in colonies in icy regions.
  3. 3. Gorillas are large, strong primates found in Africa. They're known for their intelligence and social behavior. Male gorillas have a distinctive silverback on their back.
  4. 4. This gentle giant is known for its long trunk, which it uses to grab food and even spray water to cool off. It has large ears that help it stay cool in hot weather.
  5. 5. Bear Polar bears are well-adapted to life in the Arctic. Their white fur helps them blend in with the snow, and they're excellent swimmers, hunting seals in icy waters.
  6. 7. Tigers are powerful big cats with distinctive orange fur and black stripes. They're skilled hunters and often stalk their prey before launching a swift attack.
  7. 8. These reptiles are well-suited for life in water. Crocodiles have sharp teeth and a strong bite, making them efficient predators in rivers and swamps.
  8. 10. Monkeys are playful and curious animals found in various parts of the world. They have long tails and often use them for balance or to hang from trees.