
  1. 2. A tree-dwelling Australian marsupial that primarily eats eucalyptus leaves. Known for its cute appearance and sleepy behavior.
  2. 4. A large bird of prey with keen eyesight and powerful talons. Often symbolizes freedom and strength.
  3. 6. A small, plump, brown and grey bird known for its cheerful song. They are commonly found in many parts of the world.
  4. 8. A domesticated carnivorous mammal known for its loyalty, intelligence, and varying breeds. Often referred to as man's best friend.
  5. 10. The world's largest bird native to Africa. They are flightless and known for their long necks and legs.
  6. 13. A large carnivorous cat recognized by its orange coat with black stripes. They are solitary hunters.
  7. 14. A small carnivorous mammal known for its independence, agility, and grooming behavior. Often kept as a pet.
  8. 15. The world's largest land mammal with a distinctive long trunk, large ears, and tusks. They are herbivores and have a strong social structure.
  1. 1. A large herbivorous mammal domesticated for riding, racing, and work. Known for its speed and strength.
  2. 3. A colorful tropical bird known for its ability to mimic sounds, including human speech. They have strong curved beaks.
  3. 5. A large carnivorous cat known for its majestic mane (in males) and its title as the king of the jungle. They live in prides.
  4. 7. A flightless seabird adapted to live in colder regions. Known for its waddling walk and swimming abilities.
  5. 9. Intelligent and playful marine mammals known for their streamlined bodies and echolocation abilities. They are often seen leaping out of the water.
  6. 11. The largest living primate known for its intelligence, strength, and social structure. They are predominantly herbivores and live in groups.
  7. 12. An Australian marsupial known for its powerful hind legs, which it uses for hopping, and its pouch where it carries its young.