
  1. 2. A land-dwelling reptile with a hard shell. Known for its slow movement and long lifespan. Different from turtles, which are more aquatic.
  2. 5. Small lizards known for their adhesive toe pads that allow them to stick to and climb surfaces. They often have nocturnal habits and large eyes.
  3. 9. A popular ornamental freshwater fish often kept in aquariums. They are descendants of wild carp and have a variety of colors.
  4. 10. A long, lizard-like amphibian that can regenerate lost limbs. Most species have a close relationship with water, especially during their larval stage.
  5. 12. A cephalopod mollusk with eight tentacles. Known for its intelligence, ink defense, and ability to change color and texture.
  6. 14. Gelatinous marine animals with a bell-shaped body and trailing tentacles. Some species have a painful or even deadly sting.
  7. 15. A top ocean predator known for its sharp teeth and streamlined body. They've existed for over 400 million years.
  1. 1. A small marine fish known for its bright orange color with white stripes. They have a mutualistic relationship with sea anemones.
  2. 3. An amphibian similar to frogs but often with a more bumpy, dry skin and shorter legs. Typically more terrestrial than frogs.
  3. 4. A herbivorous lizard known for its spiny back and dewlap. They are found mainly in Central and South America and the Caribbean.
  4. 6. A large semi-aquatic reptile with a powerful jaw and sharp teeth. Known for their ancient lineage and armored skin. They are ambush predators.
  5. 7. A long, legless reptile that comes in various sizes and patterns. Some species possess venom which they use to immobilize or kill prey.
  6. 8. Small amphibians with smooth skin, strong hind legs for jumping, and a life cycle that often includes both water and land phases.
  7. 11. Flat-bodied cartilaginous fish known for its venomous tail spines. They often bury themselves in sand on the ocean floor.
  8. 13. A species of ray-finned fish known for its migratory behavior. They are born in fresh water, migrate to the ocean, then return to fresh water to reproduce.