
  1. 3. Tiny birds known for their rapid wing flaps and ability to hover. They feed on nectar.
  2. 4. Highly intelligent primate, closely related to humans. They have complex social structures.
  3. 5. An egg-laying mammal with a duck-like bill. Found in Australia and one of the few venomous mammals.
  4. 6. Marine crustaceans known for their strong exoskeleton and large claws. Considered a delicacy in many cuisines.
  5. 9. Small marine fish with a horse-like head. Males are known to carry and give birth to offspring.
  6. 12. The tallest living terrestrial animal known for its long neck and spotted coat. They are herbivores, primarily eating leaves from trees.
  7. 13. Domesticated camelids from South America. They produce a soft wool that's used in textiles.
  8. 14. Desert mammal known for its humps, which store fat. They are highly adapted to dry conditions.
  9. 15. Herbivorous mammals known for their black and white striped patterns. They are native to Africa and are social animals, often seen in herds.
  1. 1. Nocturnal mammals known for their bandit-like facial markings and dexterous front paws.
  2. 2. A large herbivorous mammal that spends most of its time in water. Known for its barrel-shaped body and large mouth. Despite their size, they are agile swimmers.
  3. 7. Playful aquatic mammals that have a streamlined body and thick fur. They often use tools to crack open shells.
  4. 8. The fastest land animal known for its incredible sprinting abilities. They have a slender body and distinctive "tear marks" on their face.
  5. 10. Slow-moving mollusks with a coiled shell. They can be found both in water and on land. They feed using a specialized radula to scrape food particles.
  6. 11. Stout, burrowing mammals known for their strong digging abilities. They have a distinct white stripe on their heads.