
  1. 5. A marine animal with eight long tentacles and a soft, gelatinous body.
  2. 6. A smart and playful marine mammal known for its friendly nature and intelligence.
  3. 8. Bear A large, white bear that lives in the Arctic and is well-adapted to cold climates.
  4. 9. A large, golden-colored big cat, often called the "king of the jungle."
  5. 10. A swift big cat with spots, famous for being the fastest land animal.
  6. 13. A tall, long-necked animal with a spotted coat, native to Africa.
  7. 15. A flightless bird that waddles and swims, native to Antarctica.
  1. 1. A marsupial with a pouch, known for its ability to hop on its powerful hind legs.
  2. 2. A large reptile with a tough, scaly skin and a long, powerful jaw.
  3. 3. A cute, tree-dwelling marsupial known for its fluffy ears and love of eucalyptus leaves.
  4. 4. A tiny, colorful bird capable of hovering in mid-air, known for its rapid wing beats.
  5. 7. A black and white bear native to China, known for its peaceful demeanor.
  6. 11. A large, gray mammal with a long trunk and tusks, known for its intelligence.
  7. 12. A powerful, striped big cat, known for its strength and hunting abilities.
  8. 14. A colorful insect with delicate wings, often seen fluttering around flowers.