
  1. 1. It jumps and able to live on land and in water.
  2. 3. some people say that this animal has 9 lives
  3. 4. A baby cat.
  4. 7. It crawls on the wall and can detach it's tail.
  5. 10. striped and looks like a horse
  6. 12. It changes colour according to its surroundings.
  7. 13. I'm small & brown. Humans think I'm a pest.
  8. 14. Man's best friend
  9. 15. An animals that has tusks and a trunk.
  10. 16. A wild pig
  11. 17. What is Harry Potter's pet?
  12. 18. I'm black & white and eats bamboo.
  1. 2. A tall long neck animal
  2. 5. slow moving and has a shell
  3. 6. I slither on the ground and are sometimes venomous.
  4. 7. King of the Jungle
  5. 8. An animal that jumps and has a pouch.
  6. 9. You find me in the desert and I have a hump.
  7. 11. Human rear me for milk and meat.
  8. 12. It is the fastest cat species.