
  1. 4. A highly intelligent and sociable marine animal, known for its playful behavior, high jumps, and tricks.
  2. 5. A bird that lives in the Southern Hemisphere, known for its distinctive appearance and excellent swimming abilities.
  3. 7. A small animal with long ears and soft fur, known for its cute appearance and habit of eating snacks with its paws.
  4. 8. An animal with a hard shell, known for its slow movement and the protective shell covering its body.
  5. 11. A lively and active animal that often swings from trees and uses its hands like humans. Monkeys are known for their playful behavior.
  6. 13. A marsupial with long legs and tail native to Australia, known for its distinctive hopping movement and carrying its young in a pouch.
  7. 15. A small animal with a unique ability to jump and a distinct croaking sound, often found in or near water.
  1. 1. An insect with beautiful wings that flutters from flower to flower, feeding on nectar.
  2. 2. A powerful and brave animal with a distinctive mane, belonging to the big cat family. Lions are known for their majestic appearance and are often associated with courage.
  3. 3. A long, legless reptile known for its agile movements. While some species are venomous, others are not harmful to humans.
  4. 6. A large animal with a long, flexible trunk, and tusks, found in Africa and Asia. Known for their massive bodies and big ears.
  5. 9. A domesticated animal with four legs, often kept as a pet. Dogs are known for barking to protect their owners or for playful activities.
  6. 10. An animal with a unique appearance, characterized by a long neck and legs. Giraffes are known for their ability to reach high branches for food.
  7. 12. An independent and clean animal with four legs, commonly kept as a pet. Cats live with people and may catch mice or serve as affectionate companions.
  8. 14. A strong and elegant four-legged animal often used for riding, racing, or working on farms.