
  1. 4. Powerful big cat with distinctive orange coat and black stripes. Solitary hunter known for its strength and agility.
  2. 6. Flightless bird with a distinctive black and white coat, excels at swimming. Often seen waddling on land.
  3. 7. Striped herbivore with a black and white coat. Roams the grasslands in groups and has a distinctive mane.
  4. 9. Graceful herbivore with an incredibly long neck, spots on its body. Wanders the savannah, reaching high branches for food.
  5. 10. Gentle giant with large ears and a long trunk, highly intelligent and social. Often found in groups called herds.
  6. 11. Black and white bear with a preference for bamboo. Known for its adorable appearance and often seen eating while sitting.
  7. 12. Nocturnal bird of prey known for its wise appearance. Flies silently and has excellent night vision.
  8. 14. Tree-dwelling marsupial with a furry appearance. Sleeps a lot and feeds on eucalyptus leaves.
  1. 1. Colorful insect with delicate wings, undergoes metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly.
  2. 2. Agile and playful animal that swings from trees. Intelligent and found in various habitats worldwide.
  3. 3. Swift big cat with spots. Known for its incredible speed and agility, it is a skilled hunter on the African savannah.
  4. 4. Slow-moving reptile with a protective shell. Can live in water and on land, known for their longevity.
  5. 5. Playful marine mammal known for acrobatic leaps and clicks. Communicates using whistles and can be found in oceans globally.
  6. 8. Marsupial with powerful hind legs, hops and jumps. Females have a pouch to carry and nurture their joeys.
  7. 13. Majestic creature with a golden mane, known as the king of the jungle. Roars loudly and is a powerful predator.