
  1. 3. is a colour
  2. 7. you can said chip
  3. 8. it could from cow, sheep or
  4. 10. Pink fruit
  5. 11. dark ____, white _____, strawberry _____
  6. 12. ______ monster
  7. 14. monkey’s favourite
  8. 17. sweet
  9. 18. what happened if a witch that lives at the beach (this one you can search it at google
  10. 19. a circle
  11. 20. Birthday ____
  12. 21. made of lamb, most of the people don’t like them
  13. 22. “i have a pen i have a _____ oh ______pen”
  14. 23. _____ king
  1. 1. Is cheesy
  2. 2. _____ cake
  3. 4. it could be green or black or purple
  4. 5. cold,soft and sweet
  5. 6. fish and ______
  6. 9. ________ curry
  7. 13. bee
  8. 15. cup _____
  9. 16. Indian can’t eat it
  10. 18. many white pieces on it and is pink or red