
  1. 2. Majestic big cat known for its stripes.
  2. 4. Important pollinator living in organized colonies.
  3. 5. Largest land mammal with a distinctive trunk.
  4. 6. Bear: Arctic carnivore relying on sea ice for hunting.
  5. 7. Slow-moving tree-dweller found in South America.
  6. 9. Cute marsupial that feeds on eucalyptus leaves.
  7. 11. Whale: Largest animal on Earth, a marine mammal.
  8. 13. Bear with black and white fur, native to China.
  9. 14. Intelligent marine creature with eight tentacles.
  10. 16. Flightless bird found in Antarctica, often seen in groups.
  11. 18. Nocturnal bird of prey with silent flight.
  12. 19. Highly intelligent marine mammal with playful behavior.
  13. 20. Fox: Agile mammal with a bushy tail.
  1. 1. Marsupial with powerful hind legs for hopping.
  2. 3. Fastest land animal, known for its speed.
  3. 8. Reddish-brown ape found in Southeast Asia.
  4. 10. Tall African herbivore with a long neck.
  5. 12. Large aquatic reptile with powerful jaws.
  6. 15. Close relative of humans, known for tool use.
  7. 17. Panda: Himalayan arboreal mammal with a bushy tail.