Animal Adventure

  1. 3. the Fibonacci animal
  2. 6. beautiful feathers
  3. 9. the trash digger
  4. 11. has a pouch
  5. 13. has a trunk
  6. 16. bushy tail
  7. 17. goes clip-clop
  8. 19. a cunning fellow
  9. 20. king of the jungle
  1. 1. strongest bite
  2. 2. largest cat
  3. 4. largest ever
  4. 5. blue blood
  5. 7. eats eucalyptus
  6. 8. fastest on land
  7. 10. camouflages
  8. 12. longest neck
  9. 14. swims in mud
  10. 15. turns into a frog
  11. 18. the smartest bird