Animal Cruelty

  1. 2. A country where whaling is a BIG problem
  2. 6. Nickname of the Bowhead Whale
  3. 7. What happens to male battery chicks
  4. 12. The name of the new Greenpeace ship
  5. 14. When did the Rainbow Warrior come to Australia in 2012
  6. 16. Bowhead's have the approx ___ of 155
  7. 17. A place where whaling is legal still
  8. 18. Whale blubber is sometimes used in __________
  1. 1. The killing of whales for food
  2. 3. Battery hens live in an A4 size _______
  3. 4. Chickens bred for eggs
  4. 5. Mother pigs
  5. 7. In which country was the Rainbow Warrior built?
  6. 8. One of many organisation which rescues animals
  7. 9. Chickens bred for meat
  8. 10. Age (in weeks) of broiler chicks when killed approx
  9. 11. The amount of whales killed per day approx
  10. 13. The month when the Rainbow Warrior was launched in 2011
  11. 15. The name of two men who uncovered a huge whaling scandal
  12. 19. Produced in factory farms