  1. 2. Conflict between the animals and Mr. Jones
  2. 3. Founder of the concept of 'Animalism'
  3. 6. Character who propagated Napoleon's teachings
  4. 8. Considered to be "the pig of slaughter"
  5. 9. Conflict within the minds of Boxer and Clover
  6. 10. Conflict between the two characters whose views drifted thereby giving rise to rivalry
  7. 11. Represents the intellectuals who knew the outcome of the revolution
  8. 12. A collective group that acted as the security force
  1. 1. Character known for his tyranny and hypocrisy
  2. 4. Acts as the religious figure in the novella
  3. 5. Most nurturing character in the story
  4. 7. Character concerned solely with safeguarding herself
  5. 9. Character who came up with schemes to make the animals' lives better
  6. 10. Character responsible for the animals' misery before the rebellion