Animal farm - Chapter 9

  1. 3. What type of food would a horse get during the winter, after their retirement?
  2. 5. What did the pigs buy, at the end of the chapter.
  3. 7. Napoleon became the ___ of animal farm.
  4. 9. Clover and ___ warned Boxer to take care of his health.
  5. 10. This animal died, while helping the farm.
  6. 12. At what age would Boxer retire?
  1. 1. What is the season at the begining of the chapter.
  2. 2. "The farm was had had a fairly successful year, but was still short of ___." (Orwell 76)
  3. 4. These animals think their suporior to other animals.
  4. 5. The animals where rebuilding the ___.
  5. 6. What did Napoleon decide to buil, in order to educate.
  6. 8. The farm became a ___.
  7. 11. Moses is a ___.